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At EmbraceEquality.co.uk we are committed to making a positiveimpact on the lives of people whom are discriminated, fight injustice, Anti LBGQT+ Discrimination, Theft of Ideas, Theft of Intellectual Property, David v Goliath, Anti Corruption, Uniting Citizens, Jewish Rights, Race, Creed, Colour for the better and the good of the majority of People in the UK, Europe and throughout The World


Advice, Public Relations, Legal Representation, Talking Therapy, Human Rights, Campaign for Minority Groups, Anti Semitic Discrimination, Anti LBGQT+ Discrimination, Theft of Ideas, Theft of Intellectual Property, David v Goliath, Anti Corruption, Uniting Citizens, Jewish Rights, Race, Creed, Colour for the better and the good of the majority of People in the UK, Europe and throughout The World

Our commitment to you


At Embrace Equality we aim to act or point you towards fair justice


We adopt an open minded approach to ensure that true equality is achieved


Being unbiased, we cut through red tape to ensure that you receive true fairness

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Dedication to resolution and justice

At Embrace Equality we are dedicated to ensure that you get true and fair justice. So often, barriers such as prejudice, inequality, poor service and failure to look after your interests are prevalent. We aim to redress the imbalance of fairness in order to help you receive the support, care and justice that you rightly deserve

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Become a vouleteer

Becoming a volunteer with Embrace Equality is a meaningful role. Helping others to fight injustice, help people with everyday needs and fight for everyday human rights is a prerequisite  in the need to support individuals and families to overcome obstacles. Obstacles can have a dramatic effect on peoples lives and need to be addressed.

By joining us at EmbraceEquality, you can help play a valuable part in ensuring that fairness and justice is achieved.

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Help for young people

Younger people are our future. They have an incredible ability to pick up facts that adults often forget. As a result, we welcome enquiries from young people if they are in danger, subject to abuse, physical or being bullied. We can either help or point you in the right direction to ensure that abuse stops and stops forever.

Young people can also apply to help us as a volunteer on a part time basis and help others of a similar age, younger or older to avoid harm, help people directly or point people in the right direction to solve things that are troubling them.

We will not report you to any authorities unless you are in very real danger. We can chat and work together to ensure that your problems are resolved and horrible people are dealt with. Again, if you are suffering, call, or message us.

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Become a volunteer

Use your own knowledge and experience to become a volunteer. Putting in a few hours or more each week can make a huge difference to peoples lives.  We welcome people from with different experience and that can contribute to helping others fight injustice and achieve fair and decent human rights

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Your donation matters

Consider contributing as little or as much as you can. Every Pound, Euro or Dollar donated goes towards keeping Embracing Equality to fight your corner and ensure that your individual issues are dealt with and resolved. From £2, 2 Euros  $2 per month, you personally can make the difference.

By helping out by donating whatever you can afford will ensure that fair and proper is done and those that are persecuted whom may be innocent are treated with due respect.

People that seek to abuse our services or try to circumvent the ethos that is the backbone of our organisation will be very quickly rooted out.

We can ensure that decency and fair justice prevails. Should you have any questions regarding our ethical standards policies are welcome to contact us.

We trust that you consider our support in eradicating vile people and ensuring that they are imprisoned for a lengthy sentence and then monitored upon eventual release

Google Embracing Equality, GoogleEmbracingEquality, EmbracingEquality.co.uk, googleworkingtoembraceequality,embracing equality, embracing equality uk, GoogleEmbracingEquality, Google Embracing Equality, Alphabet Embracing Equality, embracing equality.co.uk,embracingwquality.uk, embracing equality small v1 logo, embracingequalitylogo, #embracingequality, #googleequality

Get involved

Becoming a volunteer can transform the life of a person. By donating your skill, time and effort, you can help the elimination of discrimination and inequality in society.

You can play a vital role in changing a person or persons life for the better.

If you are a professional that cares, we welcome the input that you can provide to our organisation.

By dedicating a few hours each week to ensuring that true and fair justice is served, you can help and support many people that do not have the funds to finance professional time.

By putting in your time and dedication, you can help real people to achieve the professional skill that you can provide. Call or mail us if you would like to be considered for a position within our organisation

Google Embracing Equality, GoogleEmbracingEquality, EmbracingEquality.co.uk, googleworkingtoembraceequality,embracing equality, embracing equality uk, GoogleEmbracingEquality, Google Embracing Equality, Alphabet Embracing Equality, embracing equality.co.uk,embracingwquality.uk, embracing equality small v1 logo, embracingequalitylogo, #embracingequality, #googleequality

Antonia Rugherani

Vice Chief Executive

“I can help people of all ages to overcome obstacles that they face. To people caught up in the middle of a crisis, these problems often overwhelm and they are not fairly represented. At Embracing Equality, we actually help people resolve everyday issues. By overcoming such obstacles, people are able to get back on track and enjoy a stress free and enjoyable life. Our aim is to ensure that people who put barriers in the way or seek to control people are exposed. Such people must be dealt with and measures put in place that they are never again allowed to conduct abuse. It can not be allowed for these people to get away with the way that they conduct themselves and ultimately face prosecution and the justice that they deserve"

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