Stamp out and address prejudice


At Embrace Equality, we campaign against discrimination. As a newly established organisation we need volunteers to help fight against discrimination. This may me on the grounds of race, creed, colour, sexuality or the unfair targeting of individuals or organisations that help the community in fulfilling their everyday needs. This may be a well liked and purchased commodity including the superb work provided by food banks and other people and organisations within a community. 

A rotten worm within an organisation with a personality disorder or grudge can often be totally counter productive to the actual role they, often as a cival servant, are paid to do. This often happens within the police. Look at the Hillsborough disaster. The police maintained denial of responsibility and it was only after multiple enquires and gritted teeth that they were at fault. This, given the level all of the fans whom lost their lives as a result of alleged failure by police left peoples loved ones, Family, friends and relatives feeling the avoidable loss of loved ones. In addition, Family, relatives and friends were denied justice and were given, in our opinion, an insincere ‘apology’ by police.

We have to look at cases like this and actually ask the police if they have any true remorse or failing that allegedly they kept between themselves for over three decades. Is there any wonder when people in general have such little confidence in the police?

Fighting your cause, providing advice, assistance help and a trusted listening ear can often be the solution that you need. 

We are very understanding and have a zero discrimination policy. We will quickly assess your issue or concern and either provide direct assistance or point you in the right direction. Ensuring that you receive good and practical advice is what we are about.

Legal Representation Discrimination

We are here and on your side to bring this discrimination to an end. We often will be burdened by the delays in the system that are caused by the lack of funding for Para-Legals, Solicitors, Barristers and other organisations such as ours which do not receive any government funding. 

The expansion of areas of law that were cut back and those that remained need to be expanded and properly remunerated. It goes against the provision of fair justice that people are denied justice because of a lack of funding and then when funding is provided it is of a most basic level. By preventing such sufficient levels of funding, this in effect circumvents the provision of Justice, a basis upon which all of us are brought up with in a fair and democratic society. When such funding is provided, then this is at far lesser than market rates and does not, particularly in the legal profession, reflect the amount of several years of work and qualifications gained. In effect, the current unfair system discriminates the Justice system as a whole and particularly newer graduates where the years of study, dedication and capabilities are often not fully recognised.

At, we recognise that the Legal Aid system and renumeration requires total reform.

Solicitors, Barristers, Para-Legals and others in the legal profession are welcome to help and contribute to our cause. Your help would be much appreciated.

As an individual or family that has a problem or issue that needs a problem to be addressed, then we will help you every step of the way. 

In addition, we shall campaign for reform. The Legal Aid system needs a complete overhaul to reflect the modern day fast paced society in which we live in.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have a problem and we will do everything within our power to help and assist you.

Discrimination hurts the mind, the body and perception of life.

At Embrace Equality we are able to help you ensure the prejudice you have faced is confronted head on. Working together, we can ensure a better society where discrimination and corruption is stamped out

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